Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Shut up and DO something!

All around me I see people arguing, playing the 'blame game', pointing fingers at the President, at the State of Louisiana, at the Mayor of New Orleans for the horrible, awful, heart-wrenching tragedy there.

So, I ask, what have you done to help?

Have you given any money to a relief organization, like the American Red Cross? I offered my clients discounts if they showed me a receipt to one of the organizations listed on the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) site dated after the date of my invoice.

How about giving blood? There are a lot of people who are injured, sick, and hurting, and the blood supply is very low.

Do me a favor. Stop whining and complaining. Skip lunch for a week, and donate $25 to one of the organizations on the ground in the Gulf Coast region. When you're hungry, think of the people who have lost everything they ever owned.


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